Thursday, April 9, 2015

Night Owl's Not Healthy...

Is it true that sleeping early lets you wake up early? Even though studies and research have been conducted on morning people, they cant be 100% positive. You can tell if someone slept early if they wake up feeling fresh. Sleeping early is especially good for your health when you sleep longer hours and eat healthy foods. But if your eating more and sleeping late this will sooner or later lead to obesity. There is a quiz to tell you what your schedule is like. I took it and i got a 12, which means i'm a semi-owl. That means i love the night life and love to sleep in the morning. Hope you enjoy this. Click the link below to take the quiz and read the article.

Click me for the site.

Gun Deaths Involving Children.

This article is about deaths of children involving guns. The Mafia Riffle Associations annual conference has talks mostly about gun control. This is a serious concern to all united states citizens with children. Gun control has been an outrage to many people in the past couple years. Reports have documented that so many children have been involved with this shooting matter. The NRA study has pointed that parents should be criminally prosecuted for keeping a gun around the house. I would be terrified for the sake of my children with a gun around the house. I prefer you read this article it really changed my point of view. Can you believe i actually supported guns? But that was before i read this no i have a whole new different perspective. Hope you enjoy!

Click to read

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bantu Knots

I saw this video on a hair style tutorial called the Bantu Knots. I used to do this as a child, as well as my sisters and other female family members. This is a famous hairstyle for african hair, but it can be used on any type of hair. After i saw this video i decided to try it out on my daughter. We then wrapped it in a scarf and o let her sleep in it. When she woke up we undid her Bantu knots and they turned out so beautiful. But i may have to do this all the time because it lets your hair grow and be beautiful at the same time. I don't think i followed the directions and tips correctly because her back hairs were more curlier than the rest. I really recommend you try this. For the article you should really click the link below. Hope you guys enjoy!

Bantu Knots

Monday, March 16, 2015


Researchers have concluded that children who perform chores at a young age are more likely to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with their family and friends. Parents are teaching kids of this generation that success and achievements is more important than caring for others.As Dr. Weissbourd said, "We are out balanced." Honestly my children perform chores around the house since they were young. But parents these days don't require their children to do chores, they focus on things that bring success rather than household chores. I fully support that they are focusing on their child's future but you need to fit in chores in that schedule because it lets children know that they are making an impact in or around the house while they are performing chores. Researchers have found that the younger the start cores better, preferably ages 3-4. When speaking to your young ones it say it makes a big difference being called a "Helper" and "Helping". Children will be motivated by the word "Helper" rather than "Helping" because they make an impact and they have a "Positive Identity." THis article is rather reflective on my children have also been doing chores from a young age and they enjoy them. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Train Mishap

29 year old, Alfred Wallace was tragically killed by a train on March 7. He was on his skateboard when the train struck him. His family is mourning and finding closure for the family. They found his mother's business cards in his pockets, which his mom had asked him to hand out to promote her business. Even though she didn't believe in herself Alfred believed in her thoroughly. He was trying to help his mom when he died. That is so sad, but his love and believe in his mother was strong which is very touching. His friends said that Alfred was a "math wiz". Its a shame that he was young, smart, and full of love. Train Stations should do something about this safety issues. I prefer that you check out the article and watch the video and read the article.

Click me to read article

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Children Exposed to Air Pollution at School May Be Cognitively Delayed

I read this article, it was about children were exposed to air pollution.  The air pollution affected those children development because of factory, air conditioner and car engine smoke. It is really impacts education performance and bring health problems. Also the air pollution exposed to heart disease asthma and cancer.  The author says “Elementary school children who are exposed to chronic air pollution may develop cognitive abilities more slowly than children who breathe cleaner air.”  The school where this epidemic is happening is in Barcelona. There are 2,000 children who are 7-10 years old.
Click me for the article.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Skipping DUI Checkpoints... deadly or not?

Lawyers have come up with a legal loophole preventing DUI checkpoint inspections. People are starting to not roll down windows or communicate to the DUI people. All they do is Display a piece of paper that reads,
 and their drivers licence.
Even though i'm all for human rights, this may be dangerous what if the driver has drugs or isnt even sober. I am a mother so i definitely do not want drunk people or people with drugs on the road behind a vehicle. A lawyer came up with this when he got a lot of cases about innocent people getting hassled at the DUI checkpoints. Intoxicated people could use this as an excuse to get past getting checked at the checkpoint . 10,076 people a year die a year for drunk driving related crashes, this loophole will cause this number to increase within the year. I strongly am against this, i know that we as americans need to have our rights respected but this may be life and death at state. Along the way this may also cause other loopholes to be identified, so the government should resolve this problem quick.

Click me to check it out your self's.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Man Shot

Click Me For The Article

Can you believe it, a man in montana shot a 17 year old trespassing 4 times?! He had a 12-gauge shotgun that was loaded just sitting in his house. This man shouldnt have done that and it's kind of weird he has that type of gun in his house. The judge was quite angered by this man and had a choice of words for him set."(Your anxiety) doesn't excuse the anguish you have caused. Anxiety isn't an excuse." This type of men are usually predators hunting for relief of his own anger. I'm not saying that the 17 year old exchange student is innocent, he shouldn't have been sneaking onto someone's property "garage hopping." I guess the phrase "young and dumb" refers to this. But he definitely did not deserve to die the way he did, that was a true tragic. This man, Markus Kaarma, will be sentenced to 70 years to prison at the Montana State Prison with no chance of parole for 20 years.

This was a very astonishing article, check it out guys.
Click Me For The Article

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Burning Fat

Hey guys, I just read this article where there is a trick to burning fat without exercise.  The thing is you don't feel hungry with no side effects, but also what funny is it active only in the intestines. what I like is with no diet loss weight but also it is a simple pill. It doesn't affect on brain or heart. so far it is been tested on mice. Eat what ever you went and take a pill. Smiley

Check out the article, I am sure you will enjoy it!


Hi everybody,
My name is Hirut I'm from East Africa, or otherwise known as Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has one of the best coffee in gold in the world. I came a decade ago. I was in and out of school because we we're having family problems. My major now is radiology, The reason for this field is because I want to study in a medical field. I have 7 siblings, with me there is 8. There are three boys and five girls. That was a little bit about my life hope you have a great year together. Good luck getting good grades!🎉