Thursday, April 9, 2015

Night Owl's Not Healthy...

Is it true that sleeping early lets you wake up early? Even though studies and research have been conducted on morning people, they cant be 100% positive. You can tell if someone slept early if they wake up feeling fresh. Sleeping early is especially good for your health when you sleep longer hours and eat healthy foods. But if your eating more and sleeping late this will sooner or later lead to obesity. There is a quiz to tell you what your schedule is like. I took it and i got a 12, which means i'm a semi-owl. That means i love the night life and love to sleep in the morning. Hope you enjoy this. Click the link below to take the quiz and read the article.

Click me for the site.


  1. Its a very important aspect of our lives, getting a good sleeping habit will help in repairing heart tissues and promote better blood flow.

  2. To agree with you, weel sleeping at nigth can make us wake up early.But we need to have a good healthy.Forthermore, more sleep can make people sick and have many diseases.
